This morning I was having a dream about being in Las Vegas with some friends; one of them had passes to watch a sort of Cirque style show from backstage. Someone in the crowd backstage wrote a note and had it passed to me, saying I was too old and not cool enough to watch from backstage. I sent back a note that went something like this:
I have performed on stage since the age of 10, and have been seen by thousands of people. I have been on TV, had my own show, and have been in two feature films. I have been recognized in a store and asked for my autograph. Only 4 times, but still. I am friends with a famous comedian and actor, and he has introduced me to other famous people. I have shaken hands with a president, and I know someone who was a presidential advisor. I have been in a fleet of limousines, and had a doorman hold the door for me as I got out "Hey! That's so-and-so! Hey, that's another famous guy! Hey, that's some random stranger!" I even rented a limo once just to get to the airport.
I have jumped naked from a plane wearing only a parachute, helmet and boots, which I will never do again even if the plane is on fire. I have looked off the edge of a cliff 2000 feet down into a river gorge, and from 120 feet under water looked over the edge of a canyon wall that went down 13,000 feet more. I have flown a light plane to see a girlfriend three times, and sailed a 32 foot boat along the coast of California numerous times. I have ridden horses, both rental trail-horses and privately owned, and have even ridden an elephant. I have ridden a camel to the Great Pyramid of Giza, and out 5 miles into the open desert in Egypt. Once I even rode a sno-disc down a toboggan run, which was moderately stupid. See parachuting.
I have been to Egypt, France, and if you count stopping at the airports in Frankfurt and München then I have been to Germany. I have been to 18 of the states, visiting various cities, and driven through 10 other states. No idea how many I have flown over. I have never been to Alaska or Hawaii, Mexico or Canada; but I have walked down Bourbon Street in New Orleans, along the Patriots Road in Boston, and had a drink in Ben Franklin's favorite tavern. I have been to Puxatawney, and driven behind an Amish wagon on the road. I have stood looking up at the balcony where the Declaration of Independence was read for the first time, and even tried to spend the night in the graveyard in Sleepy Hollow where Washington Irving is buried.
I have had three major surgeries, and one minor; I have broken my arm. I have held a woman and a man in my arms as they died, and have had to let go of five cats when it was time. I have had three of my best friends die; I am fortunate to have known every one, and gladly accept the pain of losing them, for the honor and joy of having known them enough to grieve.
I have loved several women greatly, more quite a bit, and love all my friends a great deal, though I would not kiss many of them (you know who you are guys... ). I have also had my heart broken several times. That also was worth it, as the love still lasts. Well, except for two (and yeah, you know who you are too...). I have over 200 friends on Facebook, and can honestly say that not only do I know their names, I know almost every one well enough to call on the phone, stop by for a visit, or buy a drink in a bar. Most of them would buy me one as well.
I finished the note "What have YOU got?"
I consider the above to be a good start; I still have many, many things to do and see. I have not cruised 1000 feet below the surface of the ocean, or ridden even deeper with James Cameron; I have not gone scuba diving in Hawaii, Mexico, or Australia. I have not played in the open ocean with a dolphin, though I did get all three in the petting/feeding pool at Sea World to start doing tricks. I almost managed to talk the staff into letting me get in with them after hours. I have not yet said "will you marry me", though I planned to, twice, nor had the chance to say "Well, yeah, I'm here aren't I?" ( "I do" seems so stiff and abrupt...). I have not held my own child in my arms, nor seen them learn, and fall, and rise again, though I still hope to one day. That would be a great adventure.
I have stood gazing up at the moon, the planets and the stars; but I have yet to sail the seas of space. That would be an adventure too. I even know my first course to lay in: Second star to the right, and straight on until morning.