Monday, February 25, 2008

Golden Boy is Back!

Here is my cliff notes review of last nights Oscars:


Cate Blanchett's obviously excited reaction for Marion Cotillard winning, even though it meant Cate hadn't.

Diablo Cody, who reacted just right. I doubt she expected to win; only in Holly-owood could a former stripper win an Oscar.... oh, wait......

Jack Nicholson. Nuf' said.

Amy Adams. Sorry, her ultra-cutesy Betty Boop hands went perfectly with the song. Every time she did the hand twist, I saw Disney's Snow White. Perfect.

Cameron Diaz stumbling over "cinematography" and her recovery "I can do this..."

The winner of the Documentary film "Taxi to the Dark Side" who kept his speech short and direct, rather than getting on a soapbox. Good thing Michael didn't win..

In spite of the whole "keep it short" impetus, I think when there are two or even three winners, time could be extended by a few seconds to allow each at least time to say "thanks mom!"

John Stewart's best line of the night was about the Vanity Faire party allowing the writers to attend; "Don't worry, they won't mingle."

And the best moment was John Stewart, or whoever made the call, bringing back Marketa Irglova so she could say thank you. It was pretty obvious that Conti cut her short.


"Norbit" being nominated for anything. I'm not black, and I felt degraded when I saw the trailers. If I was black, I would probably smack Eddie Murphy. Twice.

The brevity of the Technical Awards. Maybe they could just have a separate nights show presenting those, so those of us who also have ties and skills in technical areas could enjoy seeing who got what.

Cate not winning for "Elizabeth: The Golden Years". She owns that role. If Cate did nothing but play Elizabeth in films covering her entire 44 year reign, I would applaud it. Besides, I have a huge crush on her.

The bee segment. I agree. I would rather watch 'The Swarm" than "Bee Movie". OK, maybe not. Close though.

The pacing. I didn't think it was staid, as much as I thought every one of the presenters, and even Stewart, were going a little slower just in case they didn't get enough rehearsal .....

The "In Memoriam" feature. I hate it because it always effects me. This years worst for me was the loss of Heath Ledger. He was talented and pleasant and looked to be another of the new stars, and his loss diminishes us all.

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